What is a Net Zero Home?

Simply put, a Net Zero Energy Home is a home that produces as much energy as it consumes on an annual basis and is at least 40% more energy efficient than a home built to conventional standards.
A Net Zero Home produces as much energy as it consumes and is up to 80% more energy efficient than a home built to conventional standards.
By purchasing a Net Zero Home, you’re doing your part to protect against climate change and preserve natural resources for future generations.
The result: exceptional energy performance and the ultimate in comfort – a home at the forefront of sustainability. It all adds up to a better living experience.
A Net Zero Home delivers exceptional comfort all year round.
Exceptional indoor air quality for healthier living.
Tightly built and well insulated, a Net Zero Home is quieter.

Every part of the house works together to provide consistent temperatures throughout, prevent drafts, and filter indoor air to reduce dust and allergens. The result: exceptional energy performance and the ultimate in comfort – a home at the forefront of sustainability. It all adds up to a better living experience.